Program Overview

General BLC Information


Students should be five (5) years old by September 1 to enter the Bethel Learning Center Kindergarten program.


For the 2020-2021 school year, Bethel Learning Center will be offering elective Fridays. This will give students the opportunity to participate and experience a variety of electives. Each month will have its own theme, and the activities and lessons will fall within that theme.

We will have guest leaders and speakers from our community joining us on Fridays as well. Each class and activity is designed to be age appropriate. The typical Friday schedule will include Bible/Chapel, Tutoring/Academics, Electives, Lunch & Recess.

We are excited to start this Elective Friday program at Bethel Learning Center and hope that you will join us. A full schedule will be available closer to the start of the school year. A full year enrollment is required for students wanting to come on Fridays. You will not be able to pick and choose the month your student attends. Please contact us with any questions!


8:45 – 9:00 – Students Arrive for BLC Day
9:00 – 2:00 – Instructional Time
Lunch & Recess Times Vary
2:00 – 2:10 – Dismissal (Afterschool students must be enrolled – extra cost)


It is not the mission or vision of the Bethel Learning Center to be the only place your student is educated. The Bethel Learning Center is NOT a private school and does not intend to take place of homeschooling. It is the intention of the BLC to provide tutoring service for homeschool families. Tutors will not keep attendance, grades, or transcripts for the parents to use for NC DNPE Homeschool Requirements.

NC requires students to have 180 days of instruction. Homeschool instruction can happen outside of the Bethel Learning Center. It is not possible for your student attend all 180 days at the BLC.